Core API

Core API


In non-AMD and non-CommonJS environments, Planetary.js takes over the global planetaryjs namespace (in the browser, this means window.planetaryjs). If, for some reason, something else useful was there before you loaded Planetary.js, you can ask for it to be returned to that spot by calling planetaryjs.noConflict(). The Planetary.js library will be returned from the function, so you can continue to use the library.

var planetary = planetaryjs.noConflict();


Planetary.js uses a plugin architecture for all its functionality. Calling planetaryjs.loadPlugin will cause that plugin to be loaded in all planets created from this library. If you only want to use a plugin in some of your planets, use the planet.loadPlugin method (from the Planet API) instead.


For more information on the plugin system and API, please see the Plugins documentation.


The planet API call returns a new planet instance, which represents a single globe. It will be created with all the plugins registered with planetaryjs.loadPlugin active. It has various methods for manipulating the globe and drawing it to a canvas. The Planet API covers these methods in considerably more detail.

var planet = planetaryjs.planet();